Phonics Songs for Teaching the Long Vowel Sounds
Phonics songs are a great way to help teach children letter sounds and other phonics patterns! There are many great phonics songs available (for free!) on YouTube.
If you're teaching students the long vowel sounds, here's a simple phonics song that you can sing with them. It's sung to the tune of "Bingo." Replace each underlined section with the vowel you're working on. When you see the slashes (/_/), replace the underlined part with the letter's sound.
There was a vowel
That said its name
And Long __ was it's name-o.
Long __, /__/, /__/, /__/,
Long __, /__/, /__/, /__/,
Long __, /__/, /__/, /__/,
And Long __ was its name-o!
Here's an example with Long I; this poster comes from our phonics program, From Sounds to Spelling.
To see when long vowels are taught in comparison to other skills, grab a free phonics scope and sequence pdf at this link.
The complete From Sounds to Spelling phonics program has a poster with this song for each long vowel. To learn more about From Sounds to Spelling and download some free lesson plans and materials from the program, visit this link.