How To Teach Students To Divide Words Into Syllables
Did you know that children begin encountering multisyllabic words as early as late Kindergarten or early first grade?
Still, many phonics programs don't include instruction on multisyllabic words until third grade or later! Other programs include very limited instruction on multisyllabic words.
Unfortunately, this leaves students without strategies to tackle these longer words. In our phonics program, From Sounds to Spelling, we begin teaching very simple multisyllabic words in early to mid first grade. Then, each time students learn a new phonics pattern, they practice 1-syllable and multisyllabic words with the pattern.
Instruction on multisyllabic words doesn't have to be time-consuming; you can do it in just a few minutes per week! Step by step, over time, you can teach students the syllable types and syllable division rules.
You should also control the difficulty level of the words you present to students, so that they can use what they know about phonics and syllable division without becoming overwhelmed.
Process for Dividing Words Into Syllables
In From Sounds to Spelling, we begin by presenting students with strips of paper that have words on them. Students get to code and physically cut apart each word into its syllables.
There are lots of pieces to the puzzle of syllable division, and again, students learn different rules over time. Eventually, they learn to use this process to divide words into syllables:
Watch this video to learn about the 4 syllable division rules:
For more support with teaching students to divide words into syllables, check out our phonics program, From Sounds to Spelling. The lesson plans guide teachers in exactly when and how to teach the different syllable types and syllable division rules. The program also comes with access to videos, because many teachers haven't received in-depth instruction on how to teach these concepts.