Free Phonics Scope and Sequence PDF
Need a free phonics scope and sequence PDF for K-2? We've got you covered!
Why Is A Phonics Scope and Sequence Needed?
Effective phonics programs always include systematic instruction.
This means that letter-sound relationships are taught in an intentional order (an order that follows research on children's development of phonics skills).
Teachers follow the phonics scope and sequence chart to know what skills to teach. Ideally, they adjust the pace at which they cover skills to reflect students' needs and how students are progressing with skill mastery.
Is There One Right Phonics Scope and Sequence?
Phonics scope and sequences vary. For example, different teachers at different schools may believe they are all following an Orton Gillingham phonics scope and sequence - but the sequence may vary slightly.
However, these variances aren't usually a problem. Generally, we know that certain skills are mastered before others (i.e. short vowels before long vowels), so a phonics scope and sequence should reflect that. Minor discrepancies between different scope and sequences isn't a big problem.
How Do You Use a Phonics Scope and Sequence?
You can use a phonics scope and sequence to plan what skills you will cover during a given lesson, week, month, unit, etc. Here's an example of the 1st grade scope and sequence from our phonics program:
A scope and sequence (like the one in phonics programs like From Sounds to Spelling ) will often specify how much time should be spent on each pattern or skill.
However, a good rule of thumb is to only continue onto the next skill if students have achieved around 80% mastery with the current skill.
Get The Free Phonics Scope and Sequence PDF!
To receive the free phonics scope and sequence PDF, simply register at the link below (no credit card required). Not only will you get access to the free PDF, but you'll also get an entire week's worth of phonics instruction lesson plans and materials for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade.
No catch - all it's completely free! Click here to grab your free phonics scope and sequence PDF now!